
FUCK! Redux

How is it that a writer of such amazing proportions can kick off, yet whose death is completely ignored by mainstream news media?

What the fuck . . .

What I mean to say is, What the fuck is that about?

Shit, I've got a class.

This ain't over. I ain't sung yet.


Frogspond said...

Because if the story does not contain the letters I, R, A, Q, B, U, S, H, or P, E, D, N, T, L, C, T, O, N, they don't give a shit.

Anonymous said...

Quasi Hrb

wow . . . maybe he should smoke some

ped not lict on? interesting . . .

Frogspond said...

Clues to the riddle of the first entry...

No letters are repeated in the entire sequence.

The letters are kept in the order they would be if the words were whole.